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FreeOurPeople Alliance of Neurodivergent, Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors "Self-Advocacy Equality, Economic, Ecological, Human and Spiritual Rights Campaigning Movement 

Our People Together and Stronger within "One-Voice" With Our Mission Statement And Vision Board And Statement Of Values, Principles and Intent for a more Inclusive Society and for our  Acceptance and full Liberation within Society and Within Our Grassroots Movements And Communities based on The Unvisersal Standards Of Design And Low Arousal Built Environments and Low Arousal Approaches that meet our Requirements and Basic Human and Spiritual Needs and own Personal Spiritual Growth And Development and our free will and choices to choose our Spiritual Paths and Journeys here on our fragile precious mother 🌎 right now at this present moment of time and space.As A Minority Group With Full Protected Characteristics as Highly Sensitive Empath People and Spiritual Souls with each one of us choosing our own Religious and Spiritual Beliefs Systems and  Political beliefs too that are inshrined, inscribed  and embedded within UK Domestic and International Laws fully Protecting Our Equality And Basic Human Rights and Political, Religious and Spiritual Beliefs Systems 

At the FreeOurPeople Alliance of Neurodivergent Highly Sensitive People( HSP) and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors Movements and those 1-in-5 (20%) Highly Sensitive People with and without any disabilities, health and neurodiverse differences, we’re ready for something better. Based in the UK, our transformative Community Movements work as the mouthpiece of a collective of  intersectional voices, as an alliance that is a collaboration that mobilises people from all over the UK enable them to have a strong voice as one together to release our feelings and emotions at our Government and public bodies and service providers and all decision makers within all local authorities and public bodies and agencies within housing, health and social care, transport and other public and privately owned run and controlled service providers and to turn our frustrations from our internalised-oppression: Watch video here by Autistamatic about "Internalised Abelism": More videos to watch from Autistamatic here:
and moving forward from "anger into affirmative positive direct action" to take our non violent direct action and communication to create a meaningful and lasting impact. This includes organising hybrid events and using social media for education and training purposes, social gathering, conferences and face to face street and cyber protesting for all those who can't join in any of our hybrid events within all our education and training events, social gatherings and protests due to them not being able attend physically,  emotionally and sensory and them not being able to leave their homes and/or communities for various reasons. There is also financial cost to going to street protests and for health reasons too and for many who feel so vulnerable and fearful coming up against the police, including for our Highly Sensitive People (1in5), that's 20% of people from all walks of life from within all sectors of our communities. Our highly sensitive and emotional people find the hustle and bustle of being around and in close infinitety and closeness of other people too sensory, physical, emotional overwhelming and draining for our highly sensitive senses and minds and bodies and and we feel this intense inner pain and intensity of being around and close to other people, with many of us Highly Sensitive Empath and Neurodivergent People who many of us are being blessed with empathic abilities and psychic gifts and abilities and skills and are highly spiritual and choose their own personal spiritual path and journey and through experiencing so many physical, emotional, behavioural, psychological and sensory challenges throughout their life's and the many barriers put in front of us this has enabled some us to be more spiritual awakened and connect to their higher self's. As Highly Sensitive People many of us live within inappropriate housing and institutions that don't meet our highly sensitive needs. When we as Highly Sensitive Empath People are brave and feel strong enough to venture out and to leave the safety of our caves and to leave our homes during the day to go out to try our best to try and socialise and connect with others within these large busy built up urban city's and rural towns where the noises, over visualising of everything around, smells and all others environmental triggers within public spaces become too overwhelming and too overbearing for our highly sensitive "minds, bodies and souls" and this causes us to experience so much pain and distress that's  too much too handle and this gets too draining for us as Highly Sensitive Empath People and this means we can go into behavioural, emotional, psychological and sensory meltdowns that puts us at greater risk from others who don't understand us and they totally misread our verbal and nonverbal behavioural signs and signals that should inform them we are feeling too stressed and overwhelmed by everyone and everything around and surrounds us. Many of these insensitive and non-empathic people runaway from us altogether and see our behaviours as strange and abnormal and we're seen as weirdo's and 🤪 😜 🤪 😜 living in a 🤪 😜 🤪 😜 uncaring and unsympathetic world where we're not accepted for being so different and unique and we're lone wolves trying to survive in this too competitive world and we need to be around Highly Sensitive Empath like minded people who understand us and don't judge us and who accept us who we are and we prefer being in cooperative nonviolent communities where we feel safe and with other empathic  people we can trust. As the late Steve Job said about us Highly Sensitive Empath People... We're are the 🤪 😜 🤪 😜 one's the one's that care, so work with us and accept us for who we are and we're the 🤪 😜 🤪 😜 one's who want to change the world to make it a better place for everyone and everything around us within nature. Many of us Highly Sensitive Empath People will experience a "fight, fright, freeze, fawn and flop" responses too, to many environmental stressors and this affect our highly sensitive central nervous system this causes vagus nerve dysfunction that is underactive or overactive or fluctuates from one extreme to another and due to feeling too stressed and over-emotional and feeling sensory overwhelmed, then all these environmental stressors and triggers become too overwhelming and too overbearing and this means that many go into shutdown to cope and become nonverbal and unresponsive to others and need safe-spaces within safe and with empathic trusted people who understand us to assist and support us in finding inner peace and quietness and stillness in a low arousal safe-space to enable us to destress and unwind and to use mindfulness and deep meditation relaxation techniques and gentle dancing and movements, like 5 Rythyms dancing and Yoga,Tai-chi and Qigong to enable and assist us to wind down and destress and recover and sadly in many cases we as Highly Sensitive Empath People who will experience find everything too stressful and overwhelming is too draining and in many cases me us go into shutdown, this can lead onto a total emotional, behavioural, psychological and sensory trauma invoked and induced breakdown state and this causes mental health and trauma issues, including due to us experiencing all different forms of abuse against us from childhood into transition to adulthood due to be continual bullied and abused as Highly Sensitive Empath People are we more  prone and exposed to experiencing high anxiety and developing different mental health and trauma issues, including PTSD and Complex-PTSD and chronic pain issues too, like fibromyalgia and gastroparesis which are all linked and connected to experiencing trauma that affects our highly sensitive central nervous system that then causes our highly sensitive central nervous system to become unbalanced and this causes vagus nerve dysfunction and this means we need safe-spaces to working together with empathic professionals who understand us, who we can trust to get to the root causes of our emotional, behavioural, psychological, behavioural and sensory trauma issues and  having access to low arousal approaches and within low arousal built environments to enable us to access and receive mainstream and also alternative and complementary holistic integrated trauma based treatments and therapies, like EMDR trauma therapy and acupuncture and energy healing and high frequency sounds and music, bach flower remedies and aromatherapy oils and essences and electromagnetic therapy and vagus nerve stimulation and different indigenous healing treatments and therapies to enable their wellness and recovery and this means they need wellness and recovery action plans (WRAP) and advance directives and more empathic gentle approaches towards meeting their needs when they go to general and mental health hospitals ATU's when they are experiencing emotional and sensory trauma issues that causes them to go into an acute state of physical and emotional shock and many will unfortunately experience trauma invoked and induced chronic physical pain symptoms too and sadly many of our Highly Sensitive Empath Souls take their own life's because everything becomes too much and overbearing for them and they don't get the right mental health and trauma support they urgently need for their Highly Sensitive Empath traumatised minds and bodies.Sadly they see suicide as the only way out of all their pain and suffering.Our Highly Sensitive People are very sensitive to chemicals, pollutants, pesticides and herbicides and synthetic additives and persevatives in our food and drinks and many of of us Highly Sensitive Empath People experiencing living with allergic reactions and also to food and drinks intolerance and sensitivities and this will causes some of us so much emotional, behavioural and sensory issues and chronic pain issues. Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities aren't all the same and having other different underlying causes and this is why you need open-minded doctors and other healthcare professionals and alternative and complementary therapists to get to the roots causes all working together in your best interests to meet our highly sensitive empath basic human needs. We all have the equality and basic human rights to these services that meet our basic human needs as Highly Sensitive Empath People. There isn't one fit all miracle dietary interventions and solutions as treatments and a cure and to we need access to the right treatments and therapies to getting the right diagnoses and appropriate specialist treatments and therapies to getting to the root causes. Many of us Highly Sensitive People have tried many allopathic and alternative and complementary medicines and drugs and turned to alternative and complementary therapists and healers. There are no quick fixes and miracle cures and many of our us have to experience going through a journey for many years of experience and feeling so much pain and hurt in finding the right treatments and therapies options for our own personal individualised unique "minds, bodies and souls" and on this journey it's an experiential long journey which causes us so much emotional and psychological stress and in many cases keeps is in the loop of being traumatised.There are also the financial aspects concerns to carefully consider too and there are a lot of charlatans out there who will exploit our highly sensitive empath "minds, bodies and souls" when we're so  desperate and vulnerable there and weak minded and these narcissistic greedy people play on this and groom us when we're at our lowest point and they advantage of this and there are a lot of "snake oil" treatments and therapies that are a total rip-off and exploit us and these companies and therapists will exploit you when you are feeling so vulnerable and looking for answers for your physical and mental issues. The journey to wellness and recovery can be a tough and expensive one both emotionally and financially. As they say.... "Rome wasn't built in a day and we all need to be very gentle on ourselves and be gentle on our hearts that feels the pain and also trauma keeps the score and plays out in the in other parts and regions of our bodies and minds too. So be warned and be very careful out-there. Many of us have chosen to eat and drink a spiritual diet to meet our own personal spiritual needs. Also many of our Highly Sensitive People over-react to synthetic clothing and other materials and household cleaning products which causes our Highly Sensitive People minds and bodies to over-react to wearing synthetic clothing and and we need to wear natural organic clothing made from 100% cotton and hemp and other natural materials and and also these household synthetic products are too overwhelming and overestimulating for our highly sensitive "minds, bodies and souls" too and causes us so much emotional, behavioural and sensory trauma issues, because these synthetic products are too overwhelming and  overbearing for us. Many of us prefer organic foods, drinks and household products for our highly sensitive needs. This causes us a lot of problems when we venture outside into the over-sensory outside world out-there and us visiting many public spaces and services.We need to go out into safe-spaces where we're connected with empathic people who assist and support us being surrounded by all animals and everything within nature. This is great for our physical and mental wellbeing and good for our souls too. Also, I need to warn you all of the dangers of taken synthetic allopathic medicines and drugs that need to be carefully considered and monitored and we need micro-dosing and careful titration needs to be implemented and put into place and STOMP and Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training needs to be highlighted and put into place within all general hospitals, especially A&E departments and Mental Health Hospitals ATU's, especially for all first responder, doctors, nurses and other healthcare and social care professionals working within our NHS and private hospitals and they all need to have specialist training and skills and clinical experience all allopathic medicines and drugs,  especially psychiatric drugs and how these will cause us adverse side effects and reactions and this causes us to be at greater risk of developing chronic diseases and illnesses from these drugs that  may cause many of us into developing drug induced akathisia and tardive akathisia and due to adverse side effects and reactions many of us sadly die prematurely, as highlighted by Professor Peter Gotzsche and others within the film "Medicating Normal" and other articles, books and videos written about pharmmafia and pharmageddon and the overuse of allopathic medicines and drugs that's prescripticide. Also there is the other side of the coin too,  that many highly sensitive empath people and neurodivergent people have learned to socially mask our difficulties and the many challenges we have had to experience from our childhood into transition into adulthood and becausee we don't fit into the so-called norms and pressures  society expects of us and the try their hardest to coherse us in taking mind altering and social controlling powerful toxic and poisonous psychiatric and other drugs and behavioural conversation therapies and techniques, like ABA and CBT and even psychotherapy and counselling doesn't work for us and keeps us in the traumatised loop and causes us more harm than good and don't get to the root causes and we need access to to solution focused therapies and treatments with being (neuro)different and (neuro)diverse and highly sensitive empaths and in most cases highly emotional too and many of us find life too stressful and overwhelming to cope with having to go through the many challenges that we've had to experience since the day we were born and throughout our childhood, adolescence period and transitions into adulthood where then life becomes really a tough ride for us and many of us and a bumpy rollercoaster ride where we've crashed so many times and been bruised and hurt and many us brush ourselves down and get up again and continue to have the strength and courage tohave had to white-knuckle our way through life and sadly we've developed emotional, psychological, behavioural and sensory trauma issues and this has sadly caused many of us many of us to have had to bare the emotional and physical battle scars being embattled with everyone to be accepted as who we are as Highly Sensitive Empath People and experiencing so much trauma throughout our life's and the bullying and all forms of abuse and discrimination against us this means many of us feel so hurt and we can only take so much pain and hurt and to block all this pain out many of us have turned to taken alcohol and other illegal drugs, substances, including overeating  foods to self-medicate as self destructive emotional and sensory and social coping tools and denfense mechanisms coping tools to camouflage our high anxiety and emotional and sensory trauma issues and this puts may of us at great risk in developing chronic diseases and illnesses and mental health issues and which also again puts us at a greater risk of dying prematurely. Many of us have gone to the other extreme to cope and developed eating  disorders.Many of our people are excluded from mainstream schools from their childhood's and this may lead them unfortunately ending up in total inappropriate young offenders units and then into adult prisons and mental health hospitals ATU's and our people are over-representated as all research highlights in these places which aren't appropriate places our highly sensitive empathic needs and they are too emotionally and sensory overwhelming for our people and who will be traumatised by them even more and are very vulnerable as  highly empathic sensitive people at being at greater risk to being exploited by others and also exposed at greater risks to bullying and all forms of abuse and hate crimes against our children and adults in these places and all other health and social institutions. Due to stigma and prejudices and discrimination against us due societal attitudes and behaviours and structural and systemic multiple oppression and social injustices in society within our own famalies and communities too where many of us feel so lonely and isolated and find it very difficult to mix in large groups and we prefer a close knit of circle of friends and circle of support from others like us who will not judge us and accept us as you  we are, as Highly Sensitive Empath People. We have so many gifts, abilities and skills to offer others and our out of the box creative minds aren't accepted and valued within by our factory based education an workplace systems and this affects by not feeling valued for our creativity and finding rewarding and meaningful and purposeful activities and finding inclusive schools, colleges and universities and workplaces that harness our highly active creative brains that challenges our creative minds, then no wonder many of us get so bored and then we are mislabelled with having AD(H)D and other mental health and psychiatric labels and as we know put onto very powerful psychiatric drugs that stifle our creativity and these psychiatric drugs turn us into 🧟‍♂️  🧟‍♀️.As Highly Sensitive Empath People experiencing mental health and trauma issues we need access to appropriate treatments and therapies and social care services that are appropriate to our highly sensitive empath needs.As Highly Sensitive Empath People our physical and mental health and puts us at a greater risk and this needs to be urgently addressed too as an equality and basic human rights matter, under the Equality and Human Rights Acts and also under international law under the UNCRPD. They needs to be a radical paradigm shift within general and mental health services and alternative approaches and ways within education, young offenders units and adult prisons physical and mental health and social care services that need to be radically changed and addressed to meet our basic human needs of our Highly Sensitive Empath needs as our equality and basic human rights to alternative and complementary medicines and drugs and treatments and therapies. This means that as Highly Sensitive  Empath People we need to low arousal approaches and low arousal built environments and also quiet spaces for our overall health and wellbeing and to connect to our higher sensitive souls too. Highly Sensitive People need schools, colleges and universities and workplaces that meet our highly sensitive needs and is an health and safety requirement and responsibility for all schools, colleges and universities and workplaces for Highly Sensitive People to be allowed extra time to go to a quiet space to find peace, quietness and stillness to enable them to relax and recover from being  overwhelmed by everything around them. We also need access to appropriate  aids, equipment and assistive technology and personal assistants and also information sent in different alternative formats, like videos, which is perfect for us, especially as we take in so much  information through our visual sense which is our dominant sense where 82% of information and stimuli come through our eyes What do they say about our eyes being the doors to our souls. They are so right there and this is why us Highly Sensitive Empath People experiencing so much trauma throughout our life's that comes through our eyes.We also need extra time to process information and what us being said and especially within meetings and everything need to be clearly explained to us slowly at our pace.We are neurodivergent highly sensitive empath people trying to communicate in a dominant neurotypical   (NT's) world and we also need people to have training about the double empathy problem between us and NT's too.All these are reasonable adjustments and legal requirements, under the Equality Act 2O10 and also a protection of their basic human rights, under the  Human Rights Act 1998 and within international law under the UNCRPD which was signed and then ratified in 2008, but I can inform you all now, that our UK Government are doing very poorly in meeting their international legal obligations under the UNCRPD and also guidelines and principles for Disabled People to have access to justice.I know that our Mental Health Act and mental health services aren't compatible with article 14 of the UNCRPD and our UK Government are failing our people on under articles too.I know thar our people are finding it impossible to take public bodies and service providers to court under the Equality and Human Rights Acts, so what is this telling us about fair and equal access to justice and the UNCRPD guidelines and principles for Disabled People to have access to justice ?As they say som of us are more equal than others. How many of you have read or watched George Orwell's Animal Farm?Clearly there is one rule for them and other rule for us mere mortals under their control.As Highly Sensitive who need universal design standards in all aspects of our life's.Also at this moment of time and space I need to draw urgent attention to the 2,030 Autistic and Learning Disabled People still not been discharged from these inappropriate mental health hospitals ATU's.So what does FreeOurPeople Alliance UK do about this 🤔 I can tell you all now as regulatory bodies the CQC, NHS England  Transforming Care team and local Transforming Care Teams across the county, with children and adults Safeguarding boards and teams are failing miserably in protecting the equality and basic human rights of our people still being abused in all forms including segregated in their rooms and fed through a hole in the door and they are being treated worse than an animal ans also if the show or express and kind of emotions and feelings towards staff, then they are violently pounce upon by groups of staff members who are like bunch of wild animals attacking their vulnerable prey.Also our neurodivergent Autistic and Learning Disabled People are being cohersed and forced into taken mind altering and social controlling powerful antipsychotic and other psychiatric drugs that are toxic and poisonous to our neurodivergent Autistic and Learning highly sensitive empath children and adults still being incarcerated in these profit driven privately owned run and controlled modern day asylums we have the audacity to call caring mental health hospitals ATU's who are charging extortionate amounts of money to the UK tax payers who are funding our NHS who CCG across the UK are paying a minimum of £20,000 per week to keep our neurodivergent Autistic and Learning Disabled highly sensitive empath children and adults incarcerated in these inappropriate mental health hospitals ATU's.As the chair of the all party parliamentary Committee said to Sajid Javid get this sorted and Autistic and Learning Disabled People's needs can be met more cheaper to the UK tax payers meeting their needs I'm the community with appropriate housing and health and social care services put in place for our neurodivergent Autistic and Learning Disabled People.FreeOurPeople Alliance UK demands that Sajid Javid, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care with other ministers get our people discharged from these hell holes immediately without any further delays.Collie Revell (aka Colin yang ☯️ and Colleen ☯️ ), they and them ☯️), founder of FreeOurPeople Alliance UK 

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Nothing About Us, Without Us 

We are an alliance of grassroots Disabled People, Neurodivergent People, Highly Sensitive People and those experiencing Mental Health and Trauma issues who are Survivors of factory based schools and education systems,  workplaces and general, psychiatric and mental health services have set-up and in coming together as a collaboration of collective of individuals and user-led and disabled people's organisations as "one-vioice' as a Not For Profit, Non Charitable and Unincorporated Association that is fighting for all Disabled People, Neurodivergent People, Highly Sensitive People and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors in the UK to FreeOurPeople. We base our campaigning work for equality, economic, ecological, human and spiritual rights based on the "psycho-socio-political-ecological and spiritual model" and equality, equity, diversity, inclusion and basic human and spiritual rights and affirmative action models of human  Neurodivergency Highly Sensitive Empath and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors based issues. Emeritus Professor Colin Barnes explains what the Social Model of Disability is: Models Of Disability:
There are also the bio-psycho-socio-ecological models of mental health and wellbeing and ecological-enactive model of Disability, Neurodiversity and Mental Health and Trauma issues.

In memory of Jessie Eastland Seares FreeOurPeople Alliance Foundation based in the UK will fight for justice for Jessie and all those with Autism, Neurodiversity and Learning Disabilities with all their parents and others for justice for all those who have beensadly have lost their life's in the many mental health institutions across the UK we will leave no stone overturned in getting to the truth of why many of our people have sadly died so young and prematurely in all these inappropriate abusive mental health institutions across the UK and as a growing and developing across the world as a self-advocacy equality, ecological, human and spiritual rights movement lead by the grassroots people from lower socio-economic backgrounds and from within all our communities as social justice movements of the past like Disabled People's Action Network(DAN), MAD PRIDE, Autistic, Neurodiverse, Inclusion and Mental Health Wellness and Recovery(WRAP) movements. Learning from past experiences from these movements the Disabled People's, Neurodivergent People's, Highly Sensitive People and those experiencing Mental Health and Trauma issues who are Survivors of our, schools, workplaces and psychiatric and mental health services.FreeOurPeople Alliance UK is a Not For Profit, Non Charitable and Unincorporated Association reignited and was reborn from our past in 2021 when a few Disabled People, Neurodivergent People, Highly Sensitive People and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors and Our Allies and advocates who are our communication partners who fully support our cause for emancipation and liberation in all aspects of our life's in the community decided to (re)organise and make an impact. Pretty quickly, this in a singular moment these movements have evolved into a fully-fledged intersectional movement. Our grassroots community movements challenges the power imbalances within all structures and systemic multiple oppression and the status quo, holding our leaders accountable and fighting for equality, equity, social and natural justice, empowerment and inclusion and basic human rights approach and solutions that will educate and transform society.FreeOurPeople Alliance UK believe in the principles to  FreeOurPeople we need to come together as an alliance as collaboration to...1)Educate, 2)Organise,3)Agitate and4)Evolve this will enable us to emancipate and liberate ourselves to....1)FreeOurPeople,2)FreeOurChildren,3)FreeOurParents,4)FreeOurCarers and PA's,5)FreeOurProfessionals,6)FreeOurTeachers and Educators7)FreeOurHealth and Socal Care Workers,8)FreeOurAnimals and 9)FreeOurPlanet and our ecological and biodiversity that are at a critical tipping point and a climate change is a threat to humanity, all animals and everything within nature and in doing so this will enable us to FreeOurMinds to connect to our higher self's to enable us to FreeOurSouls and within our grassroots movements and communities we need to reconnect with our "minds, bodies and souls" which aren't separate entities and are connected together as one and we feel so much pain and hurt in our physical lifeform and our grassroots movements and communities can't dismiss our personal spiritual needs and spiritual growth.

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Our Campaigns are important to FreepeOurPeople and we need your input and direction on which campaigns we focus our energy and resources into. Please get in touch with us to tell us where we should focus our campaigns into non violent direct action and communication to FreeOurPeople. We need Disabled People, Neurodivergent People and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors with our Allies from within all grassroots intersections within our movements and  communities to FreeOurPeople.

What We Believe In

We work to ensure the community and local leaders have the knowledge, resources and opportunities to make a real change in society. We see our campaigns as collective efforts and tools for connecting and building a stronger grassroots community movement.

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Ensuring that All Voices are Heard

Self Advocacy

Self Advocacy is an essential pillar of our Community Movement. There is strength in numbers, and we work as an alliance within our grassroots movements to inform and encourage other Disabled People, Neurodivergent People and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors and our Allies to take a stand for what they believe in. Want to learn more?

No One Should be Silenced and/or Cancelled Out, except when they are discriminating and/or abusing basic human rights and inciting hate crimes against individuals from within minority groups.


As a large movement of an alliance grassroots Activists, User-Led  and Disabled People's Organisations and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors and their Organisations from the grassroots levels from intersectional voices from all walks of life within our communities.Outreach is close to our hearts. We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission for Disabled People, Neurodivergent People and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors full inclusion and equality, equity, empowerment, social and natural justice and basic human rights that this are a possibility across the UK.

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Everyone Counts to FreeOurPeople 


FreeOurPeople Alliance of Disabled People's, Neurodivergent People's and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors has built an environment of support and helpful resources to make sure that Partnership are always a priority. Our success is driven by the hearts, minds, and souls of our community. Come and join us.

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Making change from the ground up at grassroots levels within our communities and movements 


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Help Us Succeed

FreeOurPeople Alliance of Disabled People's, Neurodivergent People and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors encourages everyone to play their part in our Community Movement. The only way we succeed is when the change comes from within  grassroots levels within our movements and communities, and we want to empower you to take an active role. Learn more about the opportunities available to lend your support.

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Above and Beyond Duality and more 1-in-5 Our Life's Are Not Disposable Anymore Campaign launched on the 9th July 2022

"It's time to rise up together as one voice fighting for justice and campaigning for our basic human needs as our equality and basic human rights to FreeOurPeople 1-in-5 people and spiritual souls from our oppressors"

Don't forget at 10am in the morning you can join Anthony Kletzander funeral live online by just putting his name in any search engine and going to the website where you can watch Anthony's funeral live at 10am tomorrow.
This is my live statement going out to everyone now as the founder of
Both Joe and Navin have told me so much about this young brave soul warrior who was so selfless and soulful he gave his young life campaigning for the equality and basic human rights of other neurodiverse people who sadly we've had a strong empathic neurodiverse soul warrior taken from us too soon and questions need to be answered how this has happened after so many similar cases, like Oliver McGowan, Jessie Eastland Seares and many more whose life's sadly are being taken too soon from us due to the psychiamaffia and their legalised drug dealers from the psychiamaffia.
I was nearly one of their victims myself in 3 inappropriate mental health placements across the UK from 2013 to 2021 when the psychiamaffia put me in a perpetual life threatening nonverbal  psychiatric drug induced autistic and neurodiverse catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep which nearly killed me in these inappropriate mental health institutions and I feel so grateful to God and Lord Jesus Christ for saving my life when I was so poorly and was unable to keep any foods and drinks down my body from 2011 to 2020 and I became so unwell in this emotional and sensory trauma invoked and induced catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep I experienced the dark night of the soul for years and by the grace of God I survived and here to tell the story about what I went through and what others are experiencing too in these inappropriate abusive mental health ATU's across the UK and across the world, including where Anthony was born and lived for his short life here on our fragile precious mother earth and he gave so much positive energy I'm such a short time here, but I promise you all know I will fully support both Anthony's parents, relatives and community and his many friends like Navin and Joe get the answer for Anthony and his parents to the underlying causes of his sad death, as I've said like many other Autistic, Neurodiverse and Learning Disabilities of our highly sensitive empathic traumatised children and adults in these inappropriate abusive placements and we need answers why this is an pattern of occurrence by the psychiamaffia and doctormaffia and we need to fight for social justice for Anthony and others and all their loved one's who are grieving and weeping left behind in losing their children so young at the hands of those who are supposed to care for them, so what's going on here and  as a good friend of Navin and Joe for many years as a grassroots activist myself due to me experiencing my catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep I was not able to meet up with Anthony and I feel so sad I never met this beautiful gentle soul, like both Oliver and Jessie too and we know what Oliver mam Paula McGowan OBE has done in being successful in getting the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodiversity into legal force now and I don't know it's in legal force in Ireland too and many other countries across the world, but as part of Anthony's legacy we all should continue in spirit to fight for social justice and equality and basic human rights for our people and we all need to connect with each other and join forces as an alliance and collaboration of grassroots voices to fight for our equality and basic human rights to FreeOurPeople and this is way as a grassroots activist myself for many years within the UNCRPD I was there on the 8th June 2009 when Tony Blair and Disability Minister Anne Maguire MP signed and ratified the UNCRPD in Westminster and I thought for once is our disabled history this was a milestone in our history and herstory in winning our hard battle for equality and basic human rights,  but how wrong I've been thinking things would change radically for us and we would be fully protected of all our rights, especially equality and basic human rights and I never thought I would have to feeeel and hear the deep pain of hearing about the sad deaths of our children and adults, like Anthony and I really stupidly thought lessons has been learnt from the a Nazi Disability Holocaust where thousands of disabled people lost their life's in the gas chambers due to Hitler and his Nazi dark evil followers seeing Disabled People's life's as "Life's Unworthy of Life", in the T4 project by the Nazis lead by the psychiamaffia who killed many Autistic, Learning Disabled and Neurodiverse People in these concentration camps because the Nazis thought their life's where not worth it and was a burden on financial resources, so is history repeating itself right now and has Nazism returned through the back door and the pharmamaffia and chemicalmafia got blood on their hands again lead by their legalised drug slave masters from within the pharmamaffia and mass genocide is in play again as we've all seen in Professor Peter Gotzche and others within the Medicating Normal film documentary and within prescripticide and also pharmageddon too, so we all have seen the evidence ourselves and this is why as the founder of I launched the Above and Beyond Duality and more 1-in-5 Our Life's Are Not Disposable Anymore Campaign lead by an alliance and collaboration of bottom up grassroots people from lower socio-economic backgrounds within our grassroots own communities and movements to fight for social justice and campaigning for equality, economic, ecological, human and spiritual rights  and now I know the fight continues and I have a mission and purpose to lead our grassroots activists to continue to campaign vigorously and Anthony's spirit has told me I and others cannot let our voces be silenced anymore and we've got to continue to fight for Anthony, Oliver, Jessie and many others to not leave any stone unturned to get to the truth here and ask God to give us the wisdom and abundance of everyone and everything positive into our life's and including abundance of financial wealth to fund as an equality and basic human rights movement and B-corp business too, so after we've all had time to grieve and weep, especially Anthony's parents, then we need to organise ourselves, with both Joe and Navin and others within our grassroots movement and have an hybrid event to start asking questions here to those in power.
💕 💞 Amen, Omen, Namanste 🙏 💕 💞, so it is said and written within the akashic records within the universal laws of karma 🙏
❤️ Collie from ❤️

Following on from my last public statement to the world on the 29th July 2022, now I'm releasing a new statement as a public interest to the world as follows........I am Collie, an old advanced star soul traveller and lightwarrior from the sirian star constellation incarnated here on our fragile precious mother earth 🌎 right now at this present moment of time you have just seen my last message I sent you all here which has been sent to Gary Caine, Bruce Lipton, Yvonne Speir's, Alan Harrison, Emeritus Professor Peter Beresford, Emeritus Professor Colin Barnes, Adrian Whyatt, Dr Navin Kikabhai, Julie Allison from VoiceAbility and my personal assistant Angela Marina-Bingley

I'm here if you need me anytime...
❤️ Collie from ❤️

A statement from Collie Revell On the 29th July 2022 the day after I was discharged from the Priory Hospital in Dewsbury 28th July 2021 back into the community and after a year living back into the community and trying to get resettled this is my true real lived-experiences where I'm at now at this present moment of time and space and I ready to go into any court in the UK 🇬🇧 if they would let me bloody well in one as neurodivegent/disabled person and I will swear an affidavit in any court in the UK or anywhere else in the ECHR and UNCRPD and both the EU and UN convention against cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and torture as follows....

Why is it that the health and social care public bodies in the East Riding of Yorkshire paid millions in my care for nearly 8 years in abusive inappropriate mental health institutions across the UK which they nearly killed me in these inappropriate placements, but have been discharged from them a year ago yesterday but they will not pay for my health and social care integrated personalised budget which is my statutory right to have this personalised budget in place in my care but my social worker and complex needs case manger will not allow me to be in control of my own life and bring specialist trained personal assistants into my life that meets my needs at a rate of funding that enables me to recruit my own staff the rate of pay that meets my specific needs, and also get access to trauma therapies and treatments like EMDR trauma therapy and acupressure, aromatherapy, somantic therapy, nutritional therapy for my spiritual dietary needs and spiritual counselling, mentoring, coaching and transpersonal therapy for my neurodivegent gender-fluidity and spiritual-fluidity highly sensitive traumatised central nervous system which I need access to these therapies to treat and heal my vagus nerve dysfunction symptoms which are all triggered by immense stress and pressure right now I'm being put under by all the health and social care professionals within the public bodies who are again after them unlawfully putting me in these inappropriate mental health institutions where I was misdiagnosed and mistreated badly for years throughout my stay in them where the psychiamaffia deliberately ignored my autistic and neurodiverse consultant that I had emotional and sensory trauma invoked and induced life threatening dissociation and structural splitting which causes emotional and sensory trauma invoked and induced life threatening nonverbal autistic and neurodiverse catatonic shutdown state and deep sleep which is related to vagus nerve dysfunction which my specialised consultant said in her report that I was experiencing an autistic catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep, malnutrition and agoraphobia, but all the psychiamaffia in these inappropriate mental health institutions decided intentionally to ignore my specialist consultant reports by the leading expert in the UK and across the world in autism and neurodiversity and trauma issues which puts you of risk of developing emotional and sensory invoked and induced life threatening trauma issues triggering dissociation and structural splitting which then puts you into the dark night of the soul experiencing autistic and neurodiverse life threatening nonverbal catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep due to having a highly sensitive central nervous system causing vagus nerve dysfunction symptoms which are all triggered by immense stress and pressure which are caused by experiencing an emotional and sensory overloaded and overwhelmed central nervous system causing vagus nerve dysfunction symptoms which puts your life at great risk of dying without any warnings anytime from sudden organ failure and shutdown and sadly sudden death syndrome by organ shutdown and collapsing altogether at any moment of time and this is what all the professionals in the health, social and housing care sector in the health and social care public bodies are doing to me right now and intentionally ignoring me to intentionally cause me harm and distress and triggering trauma issues which they are all leaving me neglected with no care and support and no one to prepare with me food and buy any food and drinks right now that meets my neurodivegent highly sensitive traumatised and spiritual needs and I'm being denied access to the courts in Hull and Leeds Combined Courts to serve an interim injunction and signed affidavit in these courts as a disabled litigant in person with the same rights as a solicitor to instruct a barrister in my case to serve this injunction on all the professionals in my care within these health and social care public bodies and other private companies and charities who are all culpable in causing me great harm and I need to the assistance and support with reasonable adjustments to be made in the court service as a disabled litigant in court to have the support from Leeds "support through court" and the administrative staff in the and the clerk to the court to assist and support me through the court process and help me to
serve a N16A interim injunction yesterday on all professionals within all the health, social care and housing department
(my social landlord) within all the public bodies in my care who are directly and indirectly discriminating against me and abusing and violating and infringing my equality and basic human rights in my care right now with the intentions to cause me harm and put my life at great risk right now and with all the immense stress and pressure they are putting me under right now is triggering vagus nerve dysfunction symptoms including irregular heart beat and thinning of my blood and shifting between high and low blood pressure shifting towards tachycardia and bradycardia all the time with my energy flowing throughout my highly sensitive traumatised body  affecting my chakras which are being blocked by the immense stress and pressure my neurodivegent highly sensitive traumatised physical and mind, body and soul are experiencing right now affecting my highly sensitive central nervous system causing vagus nerve dysfunction symptoms which none of the health and social care professionals and other professionals in my care from all the public bodies and them acting in a role of a public body and service provider in my care are at this time and space right now putting me at so much harm and they are willfully neglecting and ill treatment towards me to intentionally cause me harm and distress due to their their negligence and misfesance in their failure of duty of care and knowingly and intentionally to cause me harm, in which this negligence involves harm as a result of carelessness, error, or a lack of duty of judgment, whereas as misfeascance requires a greater degree of culpability of the person concerned, often has intentionally committed and act of that would be detrimental of another person (that's me right now) were there has been an abuse of that person(s) power of position of power in public office where miseasance in public office involves a public officer knowingly acting is an unlawful manner, with an intentional act of misconduct in law.
In regards to malfeasance this is regarded as a more severe then misfeasance and nonchalance, which is a failure a failure to act when is a duty to do so and the punishment for this is life imprisonment, but has a neurodivegent gender-fluid and spiritual fluid as a highly sensitive traumatised person and spiritual soul being as defined in law as a person from a minority group with protective characteristics within all equality and human rights UK domestic laws and international laws under the ECHR and UNCRPD and extra protocol and also other UN treaties including my human rights under the UNCRPD guidelines and principles for all Disabled People to have access to free legal advice and representation to access the court and tribunal services on a equal footing to access the courts and tribunal services to have the right to a fair hearing in a reasonable time frame for not to cause harm to any person(s) or minority groups with protective characteristics which clearly in my case they are all denying me my basic human rights as a neurodivegent litigant in person to access the courts to serve any papers on my perpetrators of abuse against me who these professionals from within all the public bodies are putting me are subjecting me to great harm and putting me at great risk of dying due to immense pressure they are putting me through right now with the clear intentions of malfeasance to cause me great pain and distress and mistreatment with the intentions to kill me as one of the 1-in-5 Our Life's Are Not Disposable Anymore within our minitory group with protective characteristics within our grassroots communities and movements where our life's are not worth it in their eyes and this is clearly direct and indirect discrimination against us and stigma and prejudices against us as a minitory group with protective characteristics within intentions of disabilist, ableist and neuroist attitudes and behaviours against us due to their neurophobia against the 1-in-5 of us who are supposed to have the basic human rights to our diversity, equitable, inclusive and our different ways of thinking, feeling and sensning the world around us and us having the equality of  opportunities for rights to our physical identity and psychological, emotional, behavioural and sensory integrity as our
ways of being and living in a majority who we are the  uncommon 1-in-5 amongst the common people who clearly are the cinderalla syndrome (the poor relations) within the equalities and human rights agenda and we need affirmative action by our Government to put us on equal footing and as 1-in-5 minority group with protective characteristics we need to be treated more favourably for us to have equal access to all public and private services as consumers of these services which clearly in my case isn't happening I'm being denied access to the courts a neurodivegent and disabled litigant in person and these public bodies are threatening me with injunctions to make me intentionally homeless and take possession of my home after the 1st August 2022, because after over a year of yesterday in being discharged from the Priory Hospital in Dewsbury on 28th July 2021 on a s117 aftercare and Care Act 2O14 and now the Health and Social Care Act 2022 I'm being denied access to welfare benefits to live and pay my rent and only yesterday I spent hours again on the phone trying to get through to the DWP to check on my ESA Income-related backdated claim from the 28th July 2021 which still hasn't been sorted out in my care by all the professionals within my care and I've been trying to access my CAB and other independent and impartial welfare rights charities to get assistance and support with this claim and totally unbiased independent and independent legal advice on all my rights to welfare benefits and services and to challenge all the professionals within all public bodies in protecting my equality and basic human rights and safeguarding and protecting me from any further abuse and harm against me and after then all contributing to me experiencing an emotional and sensory trauma invoked and induced life threatening nonverbal autistic and neurodiverse catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep which lead me to be sectioned in 2013 to 2021 into abusive inappropriate mental health institutions across the UK they've not learnt any lessons which thru contributed to me nearly dying I'm the inappropriate mental health placements losing a big chunk of my life and with the grace of God and his son Lord Jesus Christ and all the other ascended masters and all spiritual lightworkers, lightwarriors I survived my dark night of the soul in these inappropriate abusive mental health institutions across the UK and after not being able to keep any foods or drinks down my body from 2011 to 202O and the Priory Hospital in Dewsbury consultant psychiatrist taken nearly 7 years to bring out a specialist neuro-psychiatrist and 2 GP's with him to assess me in a life threatening state after all these years in these inappropriate abusive placements it took them all that time to take me off first generation anti- psychotic and other powerful toxic psychiatric drugs which where poisonous to my highly sensitive mind and body and kept me in a perpetual autistic and neurodiverse catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep all these years experiencing the dark night of the soul for years where I met Satan himself in the 6th level of Hell and luckily God and his son Lord Jesus Christ and all the other ascended masters and all spiritual lightworkers in etheric lifeforms, including my mother and father and all other past family and relatives who have past over into the light and in the spirit realms all protected me in my dark night of the soul all those years and kept me safe from Satan taken me deeper levels into the depths of hell which Satan had no power and authority over God to take my soul and in March 2020 this consultant neuro- psychiatrists changed all my diagnoses and said I wasn't experiencing psychotic episodes and he changed all my diagnoses and treatment plans and gave me a new drug called Abilify which brought me back out from my dark night of the soul and life threatening nonverbal autistic and neurodiverse catatonic breakdown state and deep sleep within hours of taken it and luckily by the grace of God I survived and  on that day I woke up into the bright white energy force of God and became spiritual awakened and on the spiritual path of spiritual growth and development and the way to true spiritual enlightenment and at this present moment of time I'm vibrating at the 9th dimensional state and 7th seal consciousness levels as a spiritual being living a human lifeform living my divine and sacred feminine and masculine spiritual-fluidity as a spiritual energy lifeform living a human experience with human rights and basic human needs and as a spiritual being I have the basic human rights to my "Spiritualarcy" and to live my spiritual rights to have the psychic gifts and abilities and skills given by God to enable me to be an akashic records reader who is channelling 66 spirit guides through me and they sometimes put me into a deep trance as a shaman and they take full control of my mind and body under this existential spiritual trance state and I have no control of what they say to professionals when I'm in this trance and they protect me at all times from these abusive professionals in my care and as a highly sensitive heyoka empath person and spiritual soul I have the spiritual gifts to look into some one's eyes and see deep into their soul and I also sense their energy and have the ability to scan their energy and if they have dark energy forces within and attached to them as acting as sake of deception as changelings/shapeshifters as shells wrapped around as life power images acting in a sake of deception then with my 66 spirit guides I can access the akashic records within the universal laws of karma and know what levels of the person in front of me is vibrating at and if they are at the lowest 3D ways of being and living and have dark energy around them or inside them and they are acting I'm the sake of deception or protection and if they aren't able to shift Above and Beyond Duality and more towards the lowest 5D and seal consciousness levels available to all humanity right now and they choose to continue to vibrate at the 3D ways of being and living and not shift towards the lowest 5D level of spiritual awakening, then if they can't reach this lowest level of spiritual awakening, them they can't join me and I'm able to match their 5D spiritual state and seal consciousness levels and if they try to connect with me and my 66 spirit guides and all thr ascended masters within the 9th dimensional state and 7th seal consciousness levels where their are etheric spiritual lifeforms in different cosmos and celestial star systems and galaxies far beyond into planetary systems where there are parallel planets to our earth 🌎
within the universe and further afield in the multiverse and further than that in the Omniverse where all the ascended masters are in the 13th to 14th dimensional who are able to connect with God and his divine and sacred feminine and masculine energy force of one flowing together at Gods right hand side Our Lord Jesus Christ the leader of all the ascended masters who is the only ascended master at Gods right hand side in the 15th dimensional state and I have the psychic gifts and abilities and skills to access the akashic records within the universal laws of karma with my 66 spirit guides to shift into the 15th dimensional state and connect with God and Lord Jesus Christ and I can as a 9th dimensional state and 7th seal consciousness levels spiritual being with my 66 spirit guides I can shift to higher dimensional states right now  into spiritual realms far Above and Beyond Duality and to places far beyond most human closed minds which they will not be able to reach and vibrate at and understand what is far beyond the 15th dimensional state and 7th seal consciousness levels into a lot higher dimensional states and seal consciousness levels Above and Beyond Duality and more  which do you really want to know what is out-there and I need to have access to justice and to the courts and have the human rights to face any human judge who then face the judge in a higher court than any earth 🌎 judge and they will able to join me in the court of heaven in my spiritual trance state with my 66 spirit guides and they will face a higher judge than them the Source of everyone and everything ever existed anywhere for eternity and beyond in infinite time and space where linear time doesn't exist and the past, present and future lifeforms come together as one in the present moment of time where you will be able to connect with the Creator themselves straight from the Omniverse from within the-box as the Creator of all of our soul blueprints who sends us out to do our spiritual work and healing from which ever solar star constellation and galaxies where our soul blueprint was created on a planet out-there and from this planet we travel in a etheric lifeform to be incarnated om different planets out-there and our fragile precious mother earth 🌎 is a harsh school of learning for all incarnated human lifeforms on her where you receive a harsh lessons of spiritual lessons for your own personal awakening and spiritual growth and development and the way to true spiritual enlightenment and this is why many old advanced star souls and starseed travellers  have agreed in their soul contracts to be incarnated here as spiritual lightworkers and lightwarriors as spiritualdoers in the light as spiritual doers and transformers through the bright white energy force of the spirit of true expression unconditional ❤️ of God and our Lord Jesus Christ at his right hand side and God has sent you as a spiritual being  into a deep trance by a shaman within an amnesic state from where ever your soul was living before you travelled from before God sent you here on our fragile precious mother earth 🌎 with your own personal spiritual calling and purpose and mission to shift Above and Beyond Duality and more into the lowest 5D state and seal consciousness levels as a spiritual being living a human lifeform living your divine and sacred feminine and masculine together as one as a spiritual being living your human experience.
Do you want to know your own spiritual calling  and personal purpose and mission and your spirit has chosen to be here right now incarnated here on our fragile precious mother earth 🌎, if so, if you are ready to join me and open your creative minds and shift towards the lowest dimensional state and seal consciousness levels, them if you don't want to stress yourself and me too, then you don't feeeel ready to connect with me just yet, then you want to connect with me and my 66 spirit guides to access the akashic records within the universal laws of karma then you are welcome to connect with me to empower yourselves as spiritual beings as humans with self-agency and sovereignty with basic human rights, so you know where to reach me and connect with me at a time when is right for you....
❤️ Collie from ❤️
💕 💞 Amen, Omen, Namanste 🙏 💕 💞 

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Fighting for What We Believe In. Together as an alliance of Activists within the Disabled People's, Neurodivergent People's and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors, under our mantra of "Nothing About Us (Me), Without Us (Me) to Free and Liberate everyone in having full protection of their equality and basic human rights to a positive Disabled, Neurodivergent and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors "Indentity(ies)" and psychological, emotional, behavioural and sensory "Integrity".

FreeOurPeople Alliance of Disabled People, Deaf, Neurodivergent, Highly Sensitive People  and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors began as a Community Movement in 2021, focusing on inclusion and community action. We soon became recognised as an empowered collection of  grassroots voices and user-led and disabled organisations visionaries and community leaders—engaging with more and more people, adding more and more supporters, and amplifying more and more voices.FreeOurPeople Alliance of Disabled People Neurodivergent People, Highly Sensitive People and Mental Health and Trauma Survivors leads campaigns that promote real solutions to some of the biggest challenges faced by our grassroots communities and as a society as a all and the broken political system and austerity and poverty forced upon us. We challenge the notion that the way things are is the way things should always be, and are proud to be a force for positive transformation.

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FreeOurPeople Alliance Foundation Not For Profit, Non Charitable and Unincorporated Association Campaigning For Diversity, Equality, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice as an Equality, Economic,Ecological, Human and Spiritual Rights Movement Fighting For Our Freedom And Liberation To Be Accepted For Whom We Are As A Minority Group with Protective characteristics As Spiritual People Who Are Living In Human Lifeform and Living Our Divine And Sacred Feminine And Masculine Expression Within This Human Experience Incarcerated On Our Fragile Precious Mother Earth At This Present Moment Of Time And Space as spiritual lightworker as Spiritual Doers and Transformers

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Inspired by social movements of the past, FreeOurPeople Alliance Foundation Not For Profit, Non Charitable and Unincorporated Association Campaigning For Diversity, Equality, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice as an Equality, Economic,Ecological, Human and Spiritual Rights Movement Fighting For Our Freedom And Liberation To Be Accepted For Whom We Are As A Minority Group with Protective characteristics As Spiritual People Who Are Living In Human Lifeform and Living Our Divine And Sacred Feminine And Masculine Expression Within This Human Experience Incarcerated On Our Fragile Precious Mother Earth At This Present Moment Of Time And Space as spiritual lightworker as Spiritual Doers and Transformers began in 2023 when a few San Francisco community members decided to organize and make an impact. Pretty quickly, this singular moment evolved into a full-fledged movement. Our Community Movement challenges the status quo, holding our leaders accountable and fighting for solutions that will transform society.

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Our work is never done, and we can use all the help we can get. One of the ways you can take part is by Volunteering. Spread the word about all that FreeOurPeople Alliance Foundation Not For Profit, Non Charitable and Unincorporated Association Campaigning For Diversity, Equality, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice as an Equality, Economic,Ecological, Human and Spiritual Rights Movement Fighting For Our Freedom And Liberation To Be Accepted For Whom We Are As A Minority Group with Protective characteristics As Spiritual People Who Are Living In Human Lifeform and Living Our Divine And Sacred Feminine And Masculine Expression Within This Human Experience Incarcerated On Our Fragile Precious Mother Earth At This Present Moment Of Time And Space as spiritual lightworker as Spiritual Doers and Transformers is doing, and help us gain the support we need.

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